Requirements for BSU Admission Test

                         1. Filled-up application form for BSU Admission Test.
                         2. Certified true copy of final grades in Math, Science, Filipino, and English from first year                              to third year high shool.
                         3.Two (2) latest copies of 2x2 identical close-up pictures with applicant's signature at     
                         4. Non-refundable testing fee of Php 250.00.


                          Schedule of Fees

                                                          Tuition fee/unit
                                          Registration fee                             260.00
                                          Library fee                                    311.00

                                          Athletic fee                                   190.00
                                          Publication fee                              190.00
                                          Medical/Dental fee                         190.00
                                          Guidance fee                                 130.00
                                          Laboratory fee                              375.00
                                          NSTP/ROTC                                    374.00
                                          ID Card                                          130.00
                                          Anti-TB/Red Cross                          15.00
                                          Cultural                                          86.50
                                          Security                                          86.50 
                                          HEMF/unit                                       43.00
                                          SCUAA                                            65.00
                                    TOTAL (25 units)                                 6,229.50


General Information for Freshman Applicant's

What to do?

1.Pay your examination fee of P250.00 at the Cashier’s Office

2. Guided by the instructions and information accomplish    the application form for BSU Admission Test

3. Complete all requirements needed for the admission test

4. Submit completed application with two (2) recent copies of 2”x2” identical photographs at the Testing, Admission and Placement Office (TAPO)

5. Get your test permit

6. Take the BSU Admission Test, bring the following:
    a. pencil
    b. test permit

7. See posting of the list of qualified applicants at the TAPO Bulletin board

8. Watch out for the notice of the result of your application which will be mailed to you or see bulletin board postings at BSU

9. If you qualified for admission, get your admission slip by submitting all required documents specified in your notice of admission

10. Register According to instructions in the College/School where admitted

When to do?

If qualified for taking the BSU Admission Test  

Upon receipt of application form  

While accomplishing the application form

Not later than 3 days before the scheduled test

When you personally submit your application form

On the date and time specified in your test permit

On the date announced by your examiner

                                   -- do –

on the date specified in your notice of admission  

registration dates for first Semester AY 2006-2007  


General Information for Transferees

What to do?

1. Present transcript of records and certification of good moral character to Testing, Admission and Placement Office (TAPO) for pre-evaluation and interview

2. Pay your examination fee of P250.00 at the Cashier’s Office

3. Guided by the instructions and information accomplish the application form for BSU Admission Test

4. Complete all requirements needed for the admission test

5. Submit completed application with two (2) recent copies of 2”x2” identical photographs at the Testing, Admission and Placement Office (TAPO)

6. Get your test permit

Take the BSU Admission Test, bring the following:
     a. pencil
     b. test permit

8. See posting of the list of qualified applicants at the TAPO Bulletin board

9. Watch out for the notice of the result of your application which will be mailed to you or see bulletin board postings at BSU

10. If you qualified for admission, get your admission slip by submitting all required documents specified in your notice of admission

11. Register According to instructions in the College/School where admitted

When to do?

Before taking the BSU Admission test

If qualified for taking the BSU Admission Test

 Upon receipt of application form 

While accomplishing the application form 

 Not later than 3 days before the scheduled test

When you personally submit your application form

On the date and time specified in your test permit


On the date announced by your examiner

                                 -- do –


on the date specified in your notice of admission

 registration dates for first Semester AY 2006-2007






